
Topics to be covered next month:

I'll commit to doing a few, since few other things are pressing (there are around five or so).

- Honor and shame (maybe to be used as a basis for a short intro for commentaries. This is a fairly intricate topic so I'll break it up into sections)
- Patronage, reciprocity, grace (I note that this affects how we view prayer, and asking God for things, and possibly how we view our interactions with others)
- A short blurb on deSilva's Honor, Patronage, Kinship & Purity, and Pilch/Malina's Handbook of Biblical Social Values
- *
Reflections on Neyrey's The Sociology of Secrecy in the Fourth Gospel*
- How what we do can glorify God (this has some interesting applications)

*I read this a few weeks ago, and it is fascinating. There are definite parallels between the information networks described, and what I see. For example, that those who know more are more of 'insiders'.

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