
Some thoughts about discussion methodology...

While reading Neyrey's article about attitudes toward the 'poor', I read up to the NT application part and had a sudden thought. Perhaps it would be more effective if we were to comment on merely the differences in perspective (and important and interesting points), and after that, take a look at the relevant pieces in the gospels. I think the task of trying to see into a culture, especially from the very beginning (I'm only a few months into this, what about you?), requires that reflection preceed application.* Hopefully we can get structurally efficient discussions going (maybe hint at a line in the article but don't quote it directly? quote the first few words of the paragraph? repeat the thought?).

I'll try to, when my memory is sufficiently roused, add in other stuff from, say, The Greco-Roman World.

Also, as our resource list grows, we should make specific posts and have links on hand. We'll get around to specifying categories later.

*I had to write it in more philosophical language, sorry. To say it another way, aim for understanding before trying to apply it. Though perhaps if one were able to live in the culture, application might preceed reflection.

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