
Reading scenarios

Pilch has a nice list (compiled by Neyrey) here.


  1. Wow, I like this articles.

    I am interested about the the Tobit article. This is one of the big stories in the Bible. Anyways, just wanted to share how interesting Archangel Raphael's transformation to Tobit's family, especially how Tobias (his son) and Sara's marriage, which is all a miracle and God's great plan of such a great faithful family.

    I also have my devotions to St. Raphael, especially as a patron of Happy Marriage (I have a husband now), and of those who are in quest of life partner (which I also devote when my boy friend (my Husband now)planned to get engaged to me).

    I also devote to him my working hours when I was a student Nurse because he is called "the Medicine of God", that's the meaning of his name which is in Hebrew~Raphael. And my mother inspired me to devote to him also because he is the "Angel of Happiness".

    Well, I will continue to scan and read more articles around.

  2. By the way, I forgot to put my nickname in the second comment above, I'm lc_cole. Gratias!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
